Wednesday, April 29, 2009

School Visit / PS 122 Letters and Questions

Update: Based on viewing the PS 58 art residency exhibtion on my blog in Denise McCabe's computer classes and reading A CITY IS, PS 122's first graders created beautiful art about "their city" using the Pixie program.
I'm honored. Thank you.
Enjoy their video.

I’ve been visiting PS122 in Queens for their annual Read Aloud and breakfast every year since 2000. This year I met with first graders who sent me many sweet and funny letters that said (without editing their writing) :

“I liked the fireworks. I think you should put in more purple”
“I like when you drawed the stars it looked like they were sleeping”.
“You must be and arther and a ilistrader too”.

Best of all, these young writers sent me some questions that I can share.
Thanks PS122!

Class 1-204 asked: Did you go to art school?
MHG: No, but I think it’s a great idea for young artists to get a well rounded arts education. New York City has many art schools and colleges.

Class 1-205 asked: How do you know when you are finished with a book?
MHG: When you are taking a test or doing homework the teacher gives the class a certain amount of time to finish. In publishing we call that a “deadline”. It usually takes me about a year to complete a 32 page picture book from beginning sketches to final art.

Class 1-303 asked: What is it like being an illustrator?
MHG: I love to express my inner visions through art and show others how I see the world.

Class 1-304 asked: Do you live in a city?
MHG: Yes, I’m so lucky that I grew up and continue to live in New York City, the cultural capital of the world

Class 1-308 asked: How old were you when you first illustrated a book?
MHG: I was 34 when my first book called AT THE BEACH was published.

Photo: Melanie and PS 122 school librarian, Virginia Hood, stand in front of the banner to welcome the Read Aloud guests.

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